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Importance of Community

Importance of Community

Written By | Glenn Richards

COVID-19 all over the world has hit everyone hard! World’s economies have dropped, people livelihood, jobs, social life has all taken an impact. But here in a small village called Riandira, Kenya there is a strong sense of community!

A Flooded Savage Wilderness Reception | Glenn Richards

This year Kenya alongside the COVID-19 has had flooding, which has caused deaths, loss of houses, and farms. But the people here, just keep battling on and being optimistic. 

Flooded Kitchen Area at Savage Wilderness | Glenn Richards

Riandira town is not too far away from the ‘Savage Wilderness’ camp and a lot of people there are employed by ‘Savage.’ The rivers in the area started to rise and burst the banks! At the ‘Savage Wilderness’ camp, the whole place flooded with some areas being waist-deep. The Riandira community came down and helped us moved items to high ground and having minimal damage. 

Flooded Korean Bridge on the Tana River | Glenn Richards 

Then we started to receive calls from the area about people needing assistance. The guides volunteered and we traveled to different locations and offered support where required. One area there house became an island and three members of the family where stuck. The team was able to paddle across and helped them. The community there were so grateful that they cheered, clapped and the village elder invited us into his home to have tea and bread. 

 Kepha Hands Out Food Relief | Rukanga | Glenn Richards

Many doors have opened since the floods. ‘Red Cross’ Kenya asked for us to help deliver some white water/flood rescue training. Two courses were run at the same time. One at the ‘Savage Wilderness’ camp and the other in the Maria’. Again people assisted in delivering the course teaching volunteers who have been chosen from the different counties to take part in the training. Everyone there wants to help the area/community they live in and want to set up a rescue service that saves lives!  

Local Paddlers Make Faces in Havila | Glenn Richards

The small community of kayakers and rafters who live in the area love taken people on the river and teaching. Due to current times, this of course is less frequent. But using the skills and knowledge which they have developed they are willing to help people in there area and country.

Glenn delivers a white water Rescue Course to Red Cross Kenya | Kepha

Red Cross Kenya and Savage Wilderness group photo | Glenn Richards

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